RidewithGPS Account and Route Access.

  • You’ll receive an email with a link to the Event Distance you are registered for.

  • Clicking the link with take you through the steps below.

    • If you are an existing RideWithGPS user, you can just login and skip all of this. You’ll be taken to the event and will see the route. Follow your normal procedure from there to load the route on your device or in the RidewithGPS app on your phone. Be sure to use the “Download course option” if you are going to use your phone for ride navigation.

  • If you are new to RidewithGPS follow along with the images below:

  1. Choose to Sign up

  2. Enter your account information with a valid email and create a password (Be sure you know the password because you’ll need it later to upload your ride).

  3. Confirm your Gender for ranking or opt out.

  4. Congrats You’ve registered! Continue to the event

  5. On the event page your see some details about the course and an option to “Go to route”

  6. Once on the route page, you can follow your normal procedure to load a course on your navigation device. You can also use the RidewithGPS mobile app to navigate. If you use the app, be sure to download the course to the app as mobile service is very limited on the course. Your device can record your ride without service if the course is downloaded.

  7. Pro tips when using a mobile phone and app to navigate.

    1. Be sure to have a secure handle bar mount for your phone.

    2. Use the download course option in the RidewithGPS app. You’ll see this option when viewing the course.

    3. Once your start the ride, put the phone in airplane mode and turn on do not disturb to maximize battery life.

  8. How do I upload my ride to be included in the Segment KOM or see how I stacked up? Uploading your ride from your device is a little tricky as there are many types of devices and apps that can record rides and provide navigation. Many modern devices can do it directly to RidewithGPS, others will require your to upload the ride file to the RidewithGPS website directly. Here’s the support page on RidewithGPS’s site with may upload options and instructions. In addition, we can try to help you at the finish but you will need to know your RidewithGPS account information and you may need the specific USB cable for your device. Again this part of the ride is completely optional if you aren’t interested timing or the effort to upload your ride, there is no need to do so.