The VT Monster offers 3 monster distances, The 101 mile Astral Titan, the 78 mile Stalwart Sentinel and the Nano Monster 48 mile. These beasts are all demanding courses with and you should be prepared for a long day in the saddle. There are 3 rest stops and 2 optional convenience stores on the course. The rest stops will be well stocked and offer good coverage for the ride. Following rest stop 3 (or 1on the Nano 48 course) it is 22 miles or 33 miles for the 101 predominantly up hill to the finish at Stratton Mountain. Depending on your speed and course, it could take 90 minutes to 4 hours and there is no official support on this part of the course. There is an unofficial option about 1/4 mile off the course noted below if think you’ll want to stop on the final climb. You should be prepared to carry two large water bottles and possibly a third or a hydration pack if you require a lot of fluids on a hot day. Here is our recommended support strategy to manage the course.

Long Course Rest Stops

  • Rest Stop 1 Is at Mile 28.8 (78) and (101) - Opens at 9:30 AM and closes at 11:45 AM. This stop is at the Weston Fire Department (734 Main Street, Weston, VT). It will be fully stocked and has the back up option of the Market if you want something additional or if you arrive early.

  • Rest Stop 2 Is at (Mile 43 on the (78) and Mile 54 on the (101)) - Opens at 11:00 AM and closes at 1:45 PM. This stop is at the Windham Meeting House (26 Harrington Road, Windham, VT). It will be fully stocked and it is recommend you top off all fluids here (3rd bottle/Camel back etc.). The next rest stop is only 22 miles away with a significant amount of that trending down hill. We have limited access to water at the final rest stop so only needing to top off there will help us ensure we have plenty for everyone.

  • Rest Stop 3 Is at (Mile 57 on the (78) and Mile 68 on the (101)) and doubles as rest stop 1 for the short course. - This stop opens at 11:00 AM and closes at 3:15 PM. This is the last official stop and it is 22 miles or 33 miles depending on your course and predominantly up hill to the finish from there.

Short Course Rest Stop

  • Rest Stop 1 Is at Mile 26 - Opens at 11:00 AM and closes at 3:30 PM. This is the only official stop and it is 22 miles predominantly up hill to the finish from there.

Optional Stop on the Final Climb

  • Following Rest Stop 3 at the Dam (Rest Stop 1 for the short course) on the 22 mile climb back to Stratton Mountain Resort, there is the West Wardsboro Store just 1/4 mile off the course if you need a break or fuel. This is not an official stop but is a full market and you can buy whatever you need there. At mile 69.3 (long) or mile 38.8 (Short) the course intersects with RT 100. You’ll turn left on 100 leaving the course and then almost immediately turn right on to Cross St. The store is 1/4 mile up Cross St. on the right. Once you’ve gotten what you need, go back down Cross, turn left on 100 and then immediately turn left on the Newell Hill Road returning you to the original course back to Stratton.

    Here our RidewithGPS site with mapped routes from Rest Stop 3 to the finish at Stratton that has the store mapped. One for the 78 mile course and one for the 101 mile course.
